Lines from my Birthday **Warning lots of bad language***

So, the past month has been pretty shitastic which made me really not want to celebrate my birthday.  However, my friends had other ideas.  Friday night we went out to dinner and then to one of our local watering holes.  I had a great time and I'm glad they convinced me to forget my problems for a few hours.   

Our drink names:

The Ditchy
Secret Assassin
Lights Out
Guilty Pleasure

Random joke:  La-a, the - is a dash, it's pronounced Ladaysha

The porn we tried to write:

Character Names
Portia Drainditch
Sir Cumalot
Lucious Bitch
Mss Lickalot
Titty Licious & Sugar Tits

The Story
Once upon a time Sir Cumalot was riding Miss Lickalot in the land of Flash.  (I forgot to keep writing for several minutes)  That was some good dick.  Some good dick.  Throws D's on it.

Random comment:  69 is always the question and the answer!
