Cleo Update
So, after about a month of dealing with Cleo I can finally report that she seems to be out of the woods. Two weeks ago they removed the tube and Monday the removed the stitches and bolsters holding her ear together.
On Thursday I noticed her ear was swelling up and suspected that she had more fluid/blood filling it. I took her in Friday and my suspicions were confirmed. However, the vet said I should wait about a week to two weeks and see if maybe the fluid is absorbed by her ear and goes down. If it gets worse, starts to bug her too much or doesn't go away then in two weeks they'll re-operate on her.
I won't be charged for the second operation. It's a more invasive operations. They'll basically cut her ear wide open, clear out all the fluid and scar tissue, resew the ear and wait for it to heal. For obvious reasons I'm hoping her ear gets better on its own.
In the mean time she is doing well and has developed an interesting new behavior. In the past she never really protested anything. If you pulled her from her food dish, picked her up and carried her off some place she just went along with it. However, now she's become much more vocal and protests when she's not pleased. She doesn't meow or fight. She groans and moans like a petulant child. I know I shouldn't laugh but it's damn funny to hear her let out a groan akin to a child about to throw a tantrum. Thankfully, she doesn't fling herself on the ground kick and screaming as I've seen evil children in Wal-mart do.
I'm cautiously optimistic about Cleo's recovery and I've once again been shown what I'm made of. I'm stronger than I would have judged myself. There were a few times it was suggested that Cleo be "put out of her misery" but I knew and still know that she is just sick not fatally ill. All she needed was her cat mommy to help her through and not give up on her. I'm not the best cat mommy but I'm pretty fucking good at it.
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