
I am a liberal/democrat.  This blog is an impassioned rant about a phrase I've been hearing lately.  I do not mean to offended just as those who offended me don't mean to.  Please keep comments to yourself because I will not be posting them.  And even though I'm posting on a public forum I'm being selfish and not allowing anyone to put their two cents in.  If you want to say something write your own blog. 

This will probably be the only time I speak on politics because my intention was never to make this a political blog.  We have enough of those and I'm no where near being an expert on the subject.  However, I wanted to say this one thing.  So here goes...

This morning I read my friend J's Facebook status and the subsequent comments that followed.  It was a rant about the petitions going to the White House asking to peaceably succeed from the United States.  He, like I, think this is a stunt by a bunch of sore losers who need to get over it.

However, that's not what I want to really blog about.  What I want to say is directed at one comment that I keep hearing and reading everywhere.  A lot of people keep saying they want change and that President Obama hasn't done that.  Here's the thing he caught Bin Ladin effectively beginning the end of a very costly war.  He even has a timeline to get us the heck out.  He appointed the first Latina to the Supreme court.  He has started a massive reform of the health care system.  Gays are now getting equal rights.  The Latino vote and women's vote are stronger than they've ever been.

So here's what I'm thinking, it's not that there hasn't been change it's that there hasn't been the change that certain groups want.  These groups want a backward change instead of a forward change.  They want to shove women back into the kitchen, gays back into the closet and minorities out into the gardens to mow grass.  

The problem is women, gays and people of color aren't going backwards.  We're moving forward.  Our vote spoke that loud and clear.  So everyone wanting backward change need to either get use to the change WE want or get the hell out of the way because we're moving forward not backwards.  
