My Blog Writing Process or Why It Takes Me So F*cking Long to Get Sh*t Written!
So, I’m sure that like me, many of you wonder what a blogger’s writing process is. Mostly, I just marvel at how they can actually get shit done when it takes me nearly six months to write one post. I mean seriously how do these bloggers do it? I know they have lives because they write about them but damn how do they keep life from getting in the way of writing? Then it hit me. I should write a blog examining my writing process. This blog would serve several purposes.
- It would make me write another blog
- It would let you know why it takes me so fucking long to write a damn post
- Most importantly, it would help me to examine, evaluate, and improve my process so I could actually get a blog out more than every six months.
Good plan, right?
Well, let’s all hope so.
Getting Inspired
So, first I have to get inspired. This is probably the least of my
problems. My life is filled with moments
of deep thought and reflection. I took
this Strength Quest test last year for work. The test
basically tells you about your personality and what your strengths and
weaknesses are. Last year I found out my
main strength is Intellection. An Intellection
likes to think. We think a lot.

Succumbing to Distraction
After I get my idea, I generally manage to type a
few sentences before I’m distracted by work, friends, family, cats…oh look it’s
the Doctor and he’s reprimanding me, I mean sorry.
I try not to get distracted. Every day I swear I’m going to start over and
write for an hour a day no matter what and then something unexpected
happens. I usually stay distracted until
I either forget or convince myself that the idea sucks.
For the past two weeks I’ve been forcing myself (like
I’m doing right now) to sit down and just type.
And the Tenth Doctor has helped, too.
So far I’m doing pretty good.
Okay so once I “force” myself to sit down and just
write. I usually write everything in a
Word document. I like to save my drafts
as I write them. I can have up to 10
versions of one blog. Often when editing
I’ll remove whole pieces of writing that I’ve loved but just don’t fit well or
aren’t relevant to the message I’m trying to convey. I like to keep my blogs on the short
side. I feel that most people are like
me and they don’t have the time to sit reading one blog for hours. Also, the blogs I do read seem to be pretty
Anyway, I write until I’ve gotten everything
out. Once I’ve got my draft I leave
it. I usually leave it for a day and
then go back to it. This is usually when
the procrastination comes into play but as I said earlier I’m trying to kick
the habit. However, stepping away is
important. I learned during writing workshops that sometimes
you have to step away in order to gain some perspective and distance from the
piece. It makes it easier to see the
flaws you need to fix.
When I go back to the piece I start by reading from
the beginning and change and rewrite as I go along. Anytime, I have to stop mid-editing I start
over from the beginning. This also holds
true for when I stop while writing. I
will start by rereading what I’ve written to get an idea of where my thoughts
are going. As I’m reading I will edit
and rewrite. Hopefully, when all is said
and done I’ve got a finished blog.
The Touches

Once I’m done with everything I will log onto my
blog and start posting. I usually fiddle
with the positioning of the pictures, the fonts, etc., until I like the way it
looks. Then I post, share it via FB and
wait for it to be read.
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