I am Gatsby
I long to be Nick
the country mouse to their city mouse
small, fragile pink tail and ears
downy white fur
scent of cedar and pine
But I’m not.
I stare out across
green plains of liquid
promise, hope, renewal
for others but not for me.
I try to hide
behind yellow cars
behind blond tresses
behind fur, one size too small.
I am large;
thick muddy tail and a flash of scarlet eyes
oily grey wires prickly to the touch
my nails scratch and tear to survive
scent of sweat and desperation linger
a rat in a mouse suit.
I balance on precarious fence
between two worlds.
I shrink back from the inky truth,
the dark abyss of murky emptiness.
I step into the false brightness,
the shining crystal fragments of light.
Blush champagne tickles
my nose while
roses of garnet, amethyst violets,
and an opulent pearly daisy
dance across my path, swirl, twirl and catch
sunlight in each creamy petal,
perfume wafts
into my quivering nostrils and
tiptoes over my sensitive tongue.
My ears fill with airy laughter;
my desire,
Daisy takes me
in her arms
and we spin.
Swaying while I wait,
everything will come
crashing down –
one hunter’s gun,
one bullet shot
in the end.
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