The Command to Smile
I hate when people come up to me and say, “Smile” in that sickly sweet voice. I’ve gotten to the point where I ask them, “Why?” Most of the time they stammer, eyes shifting looking for the answer then finally say, “Because you look unhappy. Like you’re concentrating so hard. You’re so serious.” This annoys me for many different reasons.
Now just because I’m not smiling doesn’t mean I’m unhappy. Most “happy” people don’t smile 100% of the time and if you are smiling all the time, I, for one, am going to wonder what the fuck is wrong with you.
Also, if I’m, “concentrating so hard” nine times out of ten if I look like I’m “concentrating so hard” I probably am concentrating and distracting me with, “smile” is aggravating and will probably lead to me to scowling. I mean seriously. Speaking of serious…if serious means not smiling then by definitions smiling must mean flippancy, based on this I’d rather frown all the time. So, if you command me to smile while I’m busy then I probably will end up in a bad mood.
Really I think the command, “smile” is something ground into our society by customer service related industries. Having worked for several telemarketing agency, I can attest to this. Management was constantly droning on about smiling, saying stupid things like, “Smile while you dial,” “Customers can hear the smile on your face.” Honestly, working as a telemarketer is nothing to smile about. It’s probably one of the worst jobs around because even though you’re under constant abuse you’re expected to smile the whole time. So maybe that’s why I don’t smile unless I want to.
The truth is I smile a lot. I smirk and even laugh when I read or hear a great joke. I grin when I hear my friend Chris sing or pick a tune on his guitar. I beam when I’m with friends and family. I smile when one of my cats curls up next to me and purrs or meows. Given all the smiling I do I don’t think I need to smile on command just to prove to them that I’m not in a bad mood.
Ugh.... Telemarketing. Yeah, I do believe that's the worst job I've ever had..... NOTHING is positive in a place like that!!