Just Maybe the White Rabbit is Late
So, tonight I was hanging out at my friend Steph's place. We watchyed the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland. As a kid, this movie and the Pink Elephants on Parade scene from Dumbo use to freak me out. Now I'm mostly just annoyed...unless it's the Pink Elephants..that's just creepy, but that's for another blog.
Anyway, about two years ago we took a class called Dream Visions. We studied dream-like scenarios in Literature. We read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Steph holds the belief that Lewis Carroll was a pervert and Wonderland is the evidence. She's written two papers on the subject and gotten A's on both. This doesn't make her correct but it does give her some authority. I will admit that if it's read through a sexual lens there is tons of stuff to suggest that Wonderland is Carroll's imaginary world where he gets to de-virginize a ten year old Alice.
However, part of me really believes that maybe the white rabbit really is late for an important date and that's it. Just late, nothing else. Just maybe the cards, frightened by the tyrannical Queen, attempted to hide the fact that white roses were planted by painting the roses red. Maybe it's just a story afterall.
Anyway, about two years ago we took a class called Dream Visions. We studied dream-like scenarios in Literature. We read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Steph holds the belief that Lewis Carroll was a pervert and Wonderland is the evidence. She's written two papers on the subject and gotten A's on both. This doesn't make her correct but it does give her some authority. I will admit that if it's read through a sexual lens there is tons of stuff to suggest that Wonderland is Carroll's imaginary world where he gets to de-virginize a ten year old Alice.
Some of these ideas include the hole Alice tumbles down symobolizing her going through a birth canal to be born a woman. "Eat me/Drink me" do hold sexual connotations. Although, I'd like to know how far back that connotation goes. If it's before or during Carrol's time then it's acceptable to believe that's what Carroll might have meant. However, if it's a term used after his time then it's us taking our present day ideas of the phrase on the past which you can't do. Anyway, the flower garden pushing her out of the patch suggests that she's lost her blossom. She's a weed because she's lost her virtue.. The white roses being painted red symbolizes the actual loss of her virginity. I'm sure there are more but I think everyone gets the idea.

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