A Lesson in Crushes via Daria

Anyway, I was watching Daria today and I started thinking about Daria's crush on Trent and after about the third season or so, she stopped crushing on him. There was never a big, "I'm over him" type episode it just sort of happened. I remembered reading on some fan site about how people thought it was weird but honestly isn't that how crushes work? How they're suppose to work?
I have this friend, who I use to have a massive crush on but time and space have managed to change those feelings for me. I still have my moments when I turn green with jealousy but if I really had him I wouldn't want him.
Crushes only last for as long as it take to really get to know the object of affection, once you know them really well one of maybe two things might happen. He/she might reciporate your feelings or, like in my case, get to know your crush well enough to know that he/she isn't really right for you.
In my case, I realized that although we have a lot in common, we have way too many diffences. The differences are enough for me to know that I might like him, even love him but I'm not in love and never will be in love with him. Once you realize there's no real love there, crushes kind of fade away.
So, maybe Daria just realized, at some point when we weren't watching, that even though she liked/loved Trent she wasn't in love with him because they were too different.
OR maybe she just liked Tom enough to act on it...by stealing him from her best friend...er that's probably a different blog.
*All images used are from fanpop.com
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